Henry V This last weekend, I went to a live broadcast of Shakespeare’s Henry…
Henry V This last weekend, I went to a live broadcast of Shakespeare’s Henry…
Striker X (The Bold and the Deceptive, Book 1) – Negus Lamont Striker X…
The Lion in Winter (Hilltop Theatre – Pentyrch) It’s been a while since I…
The Dresden Files – Death Masks: Jim Butcher (2003) And so we begin Book…
Blood of My Sisters – Mel Chesley. 2019 The first book of the Seven…
Le Morte D’Arthur – Thomas Mallory. 1485. I’ll admit upfront, I mainly read this…
Moriarty – By Anthony Horowitz. 2014. This will be a fairly brief review, I’d…
The Dresden Files – Fool Moon: Jim Butcher (2001) Okaaaay, I may or may not…
The Dresden Files – Summer Knight: Jim Butcher (2002) Well, here we are again…
The Flame Bearer: Bernard Cornwell (2016) Get your pitchforks and torches ready – I’ve…